Python Examples
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Translate Function
This Python snippet can be used to translate a texts array texts from src language code to tgt language code using the engine with id engine and using an apiKey
def relay(texts, src, tgt, engine, apiKey): url = '' data = { "src":src, "tgt":tgt, "apikey":apiKey, "engine": engine, "text": texts } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} print(data) r =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) ans=r.text try: translationresponse = json.loads(ans, strict=False) except: print(translationresponse) return translationresponse
Batch translation of documents
The following example script can be used to request the translation of documents contained in a folder/directory structure.
import requests import os import json from glob import glob import time from shutil import copyfile username='your-username' apikey='your-apikey' engine = 0 # The id of the engine you want to use for process srcLang="es" tgtLang="en" # top level directories to get files for process and leave processed and failed files srcdir="C:\\Users\\Usuario\\PycharmProjects\\sendfile\\srcfiles" tgtdir="C:\\Users\\Usuario\\PycharmProjects\\sendfile\\tgtfiles" faildir="C:\\Users\\Usuario\\PycharmProjects\\sendfile\\failedfiles" sent={} status={} failed=[] finished={} url_base = '' #sending files to processs def dosend(path, engine, src, tgt, apikey, username): url = url_base + '/sendfile' files = {'file': open(path, 'rb')} filename = os.path.basename(path) values = {'title':filename, 'engine':engine, 'src':src, 'tgt':tgt, 'apikey': apikey, 'processname':'translate', 'username':username, 'notiflink':'testlink', 'processoption': '1'} r =, files=files, data=values) rc=None ret = json.loads(r.text) if 'error' in ret: print("error found processing", path, ret['error_message']) else: #print("no error, id:", ret['fileId']) rc=ret['fileId'] return (rc) # getting processed files def doget(username, apikey): url = url_base + '/checkfile?apikey='+apikey+'&username='+username r = requests.get(url) return (json.loads(r.text)) def dodownload(fileid, apikey, newpath): url = url_base + '/download?apikey='+str(apikey)+'&fileid='+str(fileid) #print("Calling", url) r = requests.get(url) local_filename = url.split('/')[-1] totalbits = 0 if r.status_code == 200: with open(newpath, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: totalbits += 1024 #print("Downloaded", totalbits) f.write(chunk) return ((r.status_code, totalbits)) #scan srcdir tosend=[] srcpaths = glob(srcdir + '\\**\\*.*', recursive=True) nfound=0 nvalid=0 for path in srcpaths: nfound = nfound +1 file=os.path.basename(path) fName, ext =os.path.splitext(file) #print (path, file, fName, ext) if ext in ['.txt','.docx','.pdf','.xlsx','.pptx','.PDF', '.DOCX']: nvalid=nvalid+1 tosend.append(path) print("SRC found", nfound, ", files to send", nvalid, tosend) initTime=time.time() #scan & create tgtdir try: os.makedirs(tgtdir) except OSError as e: print ("error creating tgtdir") received = [] tgtpaths = glob(tgtdir + '\\**\\*.*', recursive=True) nfound = 0 for path in tgtpaths: nfound = nfound + 1 file = os.path.basename(path) fName, ext = os.path.splitext(file) received.append(path) print("TGT found received", nfound, received) #dosend for path in tosend: fileId = dosend(path, engine, srcLang, tgtLang, apikey, username) if fileId!=None: sent[fileId]=path else: failed.append(path) print ("All files sent") dochek=True while dochek: time.sleep(5) status={} rcstatus=doget(username, apikey) for st in rcstatus: #print("Status of ", st['fileId'], st['status']) status[st['fileId']]=st if st['status'] == -10: try: if sent[st['fileId']] in failed: pass else: failed.append(sent[st['fileId']]) srcPath = sent[st['fileId']] srcDir = os.path.dirname(srcPath) srcName = os.path.basename(srcPath) # calc failsubdir relPath = srcDir[len(srcdir):] tgtDir = faildir + relPath print(relPath+'\\'+srcName, "FAILED") # create tgtsundir if needed try: os.makedirs(tgtDir) except OSError as e: pass #print("Copying", sent[st['fileId']],tgtDir+'\\'+srcName) copyfile(sent[st['fileId']], tgtDir+'\\'+srcName) except: pass if st['status']==100: try: srcPath=sent[st['fileId']] srcDir=os.path.dirname(srcPath) #calc tgtsubdir relPath=srcDir[len(srcdir):] tgtDir=tgtdir+relPath print(relPath+'\\'+st['translatedName'], "can be downloaded") #create tgtsundir if needed try: os.makedirs(tgtDir) except OSError as e: pass #calc tgtpath translatedPath=tgtDir+'\\'+st['translatedName'] #print("TranslatedPath", translatedPath) (rc,bits) = dodownload(st['fileId'],apikey,translatedPath) print("Download of", translatedPath, "rc:",rc,"bits:",bits) if rc==200 and bits>0: finished[st['fileId']]=translatedPath except Exception as ee: print(ee) pass print("Sent", len(sent)) print("Finished", len(finished)) print("Failed", len(failed)) if len(finished)+len(failed)==len(sent): dochek=False print("Job finished!") endTime = time.time() print("Started at", initTime, "ended at", endTime, " delay:", (endTime-initTime)) else: print("In Process", len(sent)-len(finished)-len(failed)) print("=============================================================")