API Access
API Access
External programs, legacy systems, programmers using console or API clients can access the full solution functionalities using the generic APIs.
The updated description of APIs can be found at the following repositories:
- https://corporateapi2.docs.apiary.io/# (text processing),
- https://pgfile.docs.apiary.io/# (document processing) and
- http://prodb.pangeamt.com:8000/docs (anonymization)
- Pecat API (no online repo)
Pangeanic’s API is a simple RESTFul implementation where typically the requests are sent as POSTs with a json encoded body.
When handling files the content is sent or received in base-64 encoded form.
As an example, the API definition for the translation of a single sentence would be:
POST to endpoint: https://production_access_server_url:8080/NexRelay/v1/translate
Headers: Content-Type : application/json
Request Body:
"This is an example."
Answer Body:
"src": "This is an example.",
"tgt": "Esto es un ejemplo."
Both https and http endpoints are configurable in the Access Server.
Text Processing API
HOST: http://prod.pangeamt.com:8080/NexRelay/v1/
List Engines [/corp/engines]
- List All available engines [POST]
This edpoint is required to list the list of IDs of the available engines fo your APIKey
+ Request (application/json)
"apikey": "your-apikey-here"
+ Response 200 (application/json)
"engines": [
"id": 1,
"processid": 1,
"serviceid": 1,
"inserviceid": 0,
"src": "en",
"tgt": "es",
"descr": "ENES_B_plain",
"domain": "",
"flavor": "",
"status": 0
"id": 2,
"processid": 1,
"serviceid": 2,
"inserviceid": 0,
"src": "es",
"tgt": "en",
"descr": "ESEN_generic",
"domain": "",
"flavor": "",
"status": 0
Process text [/translate]
- Process a text segment [POST]
A text segment is a number of words, processing works best if the segment is a sentence with whole semantic content.
- src and tgt are 2-letter language codes
- engine is the id (string) of the engine to be used
- glossary_id, optional, is the id (integer) of the glossary to be used
+ Request (application/json)
"glossary_id": 1,
"¿Cómo estás?",
"Mi perro es negro"
+ Response 200 (application/json)
"src": "¿Cómo estás?",
"tgt": "How are you?"
"src": "Mi perro es negro",
"tgt": "My dog is black"
Document Processing API
HOST: http://prod.pangeamt.com:8080/PGFile/v1
File Uploading [/sendfile]
- Send a File [POST]
Main request. Send a file to the service for translation.
The process parameters have to be included
The success response is a json with file guid.
+ Request
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="json"
"tgt": "en" ,
"username": "testuser",
"notiflink": "testlink",
"processoption": "1"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file";
Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-
+ Response 200 (application/json)
"fileId": "8d4e1c5be60d4e04850f55ec135f2554"
+ Response 500 (application/json)
"error": true,
"error_message" : "the-error-message"
Checking file status [/checkfile?apikey&fileid] Use /checkfile to get the processing status of a file, this is a json post where body can have three forms:
- just the apikey, the response will return info about all files being processed for the apikey.
- guid, to get info about a single file
Use a get request like:
https://server_address:server_port/PGFile/v1/checkfile?apikey=your_api_key https://server_address:server_port/PGFile/v1/checkfile?apikey=your_api_key&guid=d9b95ffb3bc347efa6a7cb90ca80ca74
The returned answer is a json list containing one json object for every file.
The important field returned for every file is the status, an integer with possible values
- 10, file is queued for process at the server - 6 or 7, file is being analyzed - 20, 30 or 40, file is being processed - 100, file processed successsfully, waiting download - 110 or 120, file downloaded - -10 or -20 (negative values), processing error
- Check the processing status of a file [GET]
+ Response 200 (application/json)
"fileId": "1dc77dc5ba6d44828b860537dae07187",
"translatedPath": None,
"engineId": 58,
"glossaryId": 0,
"src": "es",
"tgt": "en",
"isZip": False,
"ztot": 0,
"zfinished": 0,
"translatedName": None,
"processName": "translate",
"processOptionId": 1,
"link": "",
"status": 10,
"id": 16567,
"fileName": "test.txt"
## Checking and downloading file [/retrievefile]
This is a POST request that can be used to get info about a file that is being processed and download the processed file is process has finished.
- WARNING** this endpoint is NOT safe for very big files: the file is returned in base64
encoding and requires a lot of memory at server and client side.
When file is finished a 200 response is returned with the file. If file is in processs a 200 response is returned with the status data.
Errors will generate a 401 response.
- Check and get File [POST]
+ Request (application/json)
"apikey": "your-api-key-here",
"guid": "1dc77dc5ba6d44828b860537dae07187"
+ Response 200 (application/json)
- response when file is not finished
{ "success": True, "error": {}, "status": "10", "data": {} }
# response when file is finished
{ "success": True, "error": {}, "status": "110", "data": { "guid": "d74b06fd52434ad2bfbe82ebbff96464", "fileType": "txt", "filename": "test.txt", "file": "U2VlIHRoaW5ncyB0byBkbywgcmVzdGF1cmFudHMsIGFuZCBob3RlbHMNCg==" } }
+ Response 401 (application/json)
{ "success": False, "error": { "statusCode": 401, "code": 6, "message": "Invalid GUID" }, "data": {} }
Downloading file [/download?apikey&fileid]
Simple get request to retrieve a file. The get parameters are:
- apikey - fileid, the file GUID
The file is returned as a stream (similar to a call to wget)
- Send a File [GET]
+ Response 200
Anonymization API
Anonymize a file [/anonymize/xliff]
- Anonymize a file [POST]
Main request. Send an XLIFF file to the service for anonimization.
Anonymize an XLIFF(XML Localization Interchange File Format) file. The request body must be Content-Type multipart/form-data
- noqa Args:
- anon_dict: TAGs, entities pairs that should be anonymized.
- clear_list: entities that should not be anonymized
- model: pre-trained model to use, default ner-fast
- lang: language of the XLIFF file, default en_US.UTF-8 Please refer to default.json file for more info # noqa Returns: A dictionary with the
following keys:
- status: true or false,
- message: the NN response of the anonimization process.
- anon_sentence: If status is true, contains the anonymized sentence with
the entities recognized between brackets. # noqa
Example body payload:
"model_lang": "en",
"anon_dict": [
"entity": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string"
"clear_list": [
"anon_list_tagset": [],
"sensibility": 0,
"mask": "TAG:idx",
"profile_id": 1,
"sentence": "string"
Code: 200, returns anonymized sentence
Code 500, validation error, returns:
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "string",
"type": "string"
Pecat API
Constants used when using the API
Status of a project
PROJECT_CREATED = 0 //the project was created successfully
PROJECT_PREPARING = 2 // preparation has started, bundling and assigning is possible
PROJECT_PREPARED = 3 // project fully prepared, translations can start
PROJECT_WIP = 4 // project progressing
PROJECT_DONE = 5 // project finished, no more translation, revision or eval required
PROJECT_CLOSED = 6; // no further actions allowed, except OPEN PROJECT_ARCHIVED = 100 // not visible in normal lists
job types
0: translation
1: revision
2: evaluation
translation types
0: simple
1: double, with alternative
Preparation status values
JOB_PREPSTATUS_CREATED = 0 // job defined, TUs loading in tables
JOB_PREPSTATUS_LOADED = 1 //TUs loaded, job can be prepared, bundling possible
JOB_PREPSTATUS_PREPAREREQUESTED = 2 //PM has requested preparation
JOB_PREPSTATUS_PREPARING = 3 // job being prepared
JOB_PREPSTATUS_PREPARED = 4 // job fully prepared
Status values , for every job two status are always kept for worse & best status of the included TUs/Bundles
JOB_STATUS_ERROR = -1 // Job failed loading or preparing
JOB_STATUS_CREATED = 0 // Job successfully created
JOB_STATUS_LOADED = 1 // Job TUs loaded
JOB_STATUS_PREPARING = 2 // Job being prepared
JOB_STATUS_UNBUNDLED = 3 // Job requiring bundling, some TUs not bundled
JOB_STATUS_BUNDLED = 4 // TUs bundled
JOB_STATUS_ASSIGNED = 5 // bundles assigned
JOB_STATUS_TRANSLATING = 6 // bundles translating
JOB_STATUS_EVALUATING = 7 //TUs being evaluated
JOB_STATUS_TRANSLATED = 8 // All TUs translated
JOB_STATUS_DELIVERING = 9 // Deliveries done
JOB_STATUS_DONE = 10 // Job finished
Budnle Type 0: translation 1: revision 2: evaluation
Bundle extraction mode
0: consecutive 1: hashed
Bundle Status values
Qamode how translation and QA are linked
0: default, synch qa // the translator receives QA check synchronously after validation of a translation
1: asynch qa // QA triggers but result is sent to translator asynchronously
2: no QA // No QA is done after translation validation
Qemode, how evaluation for the bundle is defined
0: default, 10% early and last weight 1: 10% evenly distributed 2: 5% evenly distributed 3: No QE
Freemode, how a bundle is unassigned when PM requests it
0: free all tus, reset translations, QA and evaluations 1: free not QAed tus, keep translations, QA and QE
Activity bundle status,
0: Normal, translations and evaluation are accepted 1: Paused, PM has decided not more work can be done for the time being
TUs constants
Translation code, reasons for a source not to be translated
0:Translatable, no reason to skip translation 1: Nonsense 2: Encoding 3: Source not in the right language 4: Other 5:Not-alternative possible (used in alt translations)
Translation status , applied to main and alternative transations
0:Translation required 1: Translation done
Qastatus , how QA is for a TU
0: Not doable yet 1: QA required 2: QA to validate 3:QA validated, false positive 4: QA ok 5: QA ko
Qestatus, how QE is for a TU. When bundling some TUs are randomly selected for QE
0: Not candidate for QE 1: QE candidate, pending evaluation 2: QE done, positive 3: QE done, negative
TU Status
TU_STATUS_CREATED = 0 //no translation has been done TU_STATUS_PREPARED = 1 //TU prepared TU_STATUS_TRANSLATED = 2 //translation finished TU_STATUS_QAED = 3 //QA finished TU_STATUS_QED = 4 //QA evaluated TU_STATUS_DONE = 5 // No more work required TU_STATUS_REWORK = 6 // like CREATED, after some work has been done TU_STATUS_FREED = 7 // like CREATED, after translator has been unassigned
TU_REVSTATUS_NOTDOABLE = 0; //initial status TU_REVSTATUS_REQUIRED = 1; //un-used TU_REVSTATUS_OK = 2; //revision done, translation accepted TU_REVSTATUS_UPDATED = 3; //revision done, translation was changed TU_REVSTATUS_KO = 4; //translation not accepted, re-do TU_REVSTATUS_PENDING = 5; //revision bookmarked by reviewer for later
TU_REVSTATUS_SKIPPED = 6; //the revision will not be done
QE constants Eval Types
0: Accuracy 1:Fluency 2: Terminology 3: Style 4: Locale 5: Instructions 6: Other
Eval SubTypes
0: Under-translation 1: Untranslated text
Eval Criticity
0: Preferential 1: Minor 2: Major 3: Critical
Bundle-TU relation
0: Normal 1: Old // TU belonged to this bundle but was unassigned
Delivery Type 0: Partial 1: Final
Delivry Mode
0: standard (all QAed TUs of bundles whose QEScore > 90)
1: fine (Only TUs which idinbundle< smallest badQE)
2: unconditional (all QAEd TUs)
5: Emergency (All TUs, use pretrans if not translated)
Status Values
-1: error
0: requested
1: preparing
2: Done
Production URL: http://prod.pangeamt.com:8080/PGWF/v1
Requests are in all cases application/json and the Content-Type header should be sent. Except the /addjob request which is form-data to be able to send large files. Responses are always json format.
Get the list of all projects with data required to show lists. An array is returned containing the project data and the current kpi/counters values
GET Body: none Response:
"id": 1,
"name": "Project1",
"descr": "P1 description",
"customerid": 2,
"pmid": 1,
"status": 1,
"statusmsg": “Loaded”,
"kpis": {
"tus": 101576,
"preparedtus": 0,
"bundledtus": 0,
"assignedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 0,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"progress": 0,
"jobs": 11
"id": 2,
"name": "Project4",
"descr": "P4 description",
"customerid": 4,
"pmid": 5,
"status": 0,
"statusmsg": “Created”,
"kpis": {
"tus": 101576,
"preparedtus": 0,
"bundledtus": 0,
"assignedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 0,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"progress": 0,
"jobs": 11
Create a new project. Name and customerid are mandatory, PMid is optional, can
be set later. The response contains the id of new project, and 0 if the process
"descr":"Description of the project",
"pmid":2 //optional
"projectid": 3
Moves all project assets to archive (project, jobs, bundle, tus and relations). Archived projects can only be deleted or un-archived.
"id": 4,
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
Deletes a project, its jobs, tus and bundles. This process cannot be undone, all
references to the project, jobs, bundles and tus are deleted in the database and
cannot be recovered.
"id": 4,
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
Change existing project values. The body can contain any combination of new values and only the id to identify the project is required. Change of status might interfere with the internal dynamic of status propagation
"id": 4,
"name":"PxProject4", //opt
"descr":"PPDesc", //opt
"pmid": 4, //opt
"cutomerid": 4, //opt
"status": 1 //opt
"projectid": 4
Get the log contents for the project. An array is returned containing the relevant
events affecting the project.
"id": 4 //the project id
"id": 32,
"ts": 1596898208000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:50:08.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Project created"
"id": 47,
"ts": 1596898335000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:52:15.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Project status changed to 1"
Request preparation of existing project, triggers preparation of all jobs. The response is received immediately, and preparation is executed asynchronously generating events for the project and its jobs.
"id": 4,
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
Get the list of all jobs with data required to show lists. The projectid in the request as a get query parameter) is optional and its purpose is to filter only jobs belonging to the project. The response is a json array, each item containing the full data for a job, counters and current kpis.
GET Parameters: (optional)
projectid, to restrict the response to jobs of a project and
jobid, to get data of a single job
"id": 1,
"projectid": 1,
"name": "report_tgt_equal_tgt2.txt",
"src": "it-IT",
"tgt": "uk",
"jobtype": 0,
"transtype": 0,
"QEbundling": 0,
"QEbundlesize": 100,
"wstatus": 0,
"wstatusmsg": “Created”,
"bstatus": 0,
"bstatusmsg": “Created”,
"startts": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"duets": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"kpis": {
"tus": 40000,
"preparedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 4,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"progress": 0.004999999888241291
"id": 2,
"projectid": 1,
"name": "report_tgt_equal_tgt2.txt",
"src": "es",
"tgt": "en",
"jobtype": 0,
"transtype": 0,
"QEbundling": 0,
"QEbundlesize": 100,
"wstatus": 0,
"bstatus": 0,
"startts": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"duets": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"kpis": {
"tus": 10000,
"preparedtus": 0,
"bundledtus": 10000,
"assignedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 1,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"progress": 0,
"bundles": 2
Create a new job for a project, uploading the TSV file and defining job-level parameters. The response is a json object with informations about the creation and the counters of the file.
Note: Adding a job synchronously uploads and counts lines, words and characters but the creation of TUs in the database is triggered and will run asynchronously. POST form-data Body, key values:
file, the file to upload with the TUs of the job src, language code tgt, language code projectid: the id for the project this job belongs to jobtype: 0 translation (default), 1 revision, 2 evaluation transtype: 0 normal (default), 1 double-translation QEbundling: 0 normal (default) QEbundleSize: a number (default)
"message": "Job file uploaded to : /home/ubuntu/jobs/chunk143_agriculture
"jobid": 7,
"lines": 5394,
"words": 61114,
"chars": 445714
Get the log contents for the job. An array is returned containing the relevant events affecting the project.
"id": 4 //the job id
"id": 32,
"ts": 1596898208000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:50:08.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Job best status changed to 6"
"id": 47,
"ts": 1596898335000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:52:15.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Job best status changed to 6"
Change existing job parameters. The id is required and the only interesting values to change are the start and duedate (in long millisecs values). Changing status is usually pointless because their values will be internally recalculated.
"id": 4,
"src":"it-IT", //opt
"tgt":"en-US", //opt
"wstatus": 3, //opt
"bstatus": 4 //opt
"startts": 1234567890 //opt
"duets": 1234567890 //opt
"jobid": 4
Generates a TSV, with all translated TUs. Three modes are possible: - 0, normal, the delivery TSV contains the translated TUs of bundles whoseQEScore are > than a threshold entered by the PM (90 as default)
- 1, unconditional, all translated TUs are delivered
- 2, emergency, all TUs are delivered, untranslated TUs are delivered with the pre-translation.
The response informs of how many TUs were in the delivery, what was the final QEScore and two links, one for the delivery TSV and another one with the QA report.
"id": 4,
"mode": 0,
"qescoremin": 85 //only used for mode 0
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
"tsvlink": "http://pgwf.pangeamt.com/deliveries/jdshakhdwewqlkdsamn.tsv"
"qareportlink": "http://pgwf.pangeamt.com/deliveries/jdshakhdwewqln.tsv"
"tus": 1234,
"qescore": 90,
Get the list of all deliveries done for a job.
Body: (optional)
"jobid": 1
"id": 1,
"deliverydate": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"tsvfilename": "xxxxx.tsv",
"qareportfilenamename": "zzzzzz.txt",
"tus": 12345,
"mode": 0,
"kpis": {
"tupct": 80,
"qescore": 90,
"qaissues": 12,
"untranslatedtus": 5,
"unalttranslatedtus": 7
"id": 2,
"deliverydate": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"tsvfilename": "xxxxx.tsv",
"qareportfilenamename": "zzzzzz.txt",
"tus": 12345,
"mode": 0,
"kpis": {
"tupct": 80,
"qescore": 90,
"qaissues": 12,
"untranslatedtus": 5,
"unalttranslatedtus": 7
Deletes job, its tus and bundles. This action cannot be undone and all the job data is deleted from the database.
"id": 4,
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
Request preparation of existing job. Same functionality and process than /prepareproject but at joblevel.
"id": 4,
"rc": 0 //0 if no error!
Get the list of all bundles with data required to show lists.
GET Query parameters (optional and exclusive):
- jobid, to restrict the answer to the bundles of a job
- actorid, to restrict the answer to the bundles assigned to an actor as translator
- bundleid, to restrict the answer to a single bundle
"id": 141,
"jobid": 64,
"start": 0,
"end": 0,
"bundletype": 0,
"qamode": 0,
"qemode": 3,
"status": 5,
"statusmsg": "translating",
"actorid": 3,
"reviewerid": 4,
"evaluatorid": 0,
"actstatus": 0,
"actstatusmsg": "Normal",
"startts": "2020-09-17 00:00:00.0",
"duets": "2020-09-17 00:00:00.0",
"jobtype": 0,
"translationtype": 0,
"src": "en",
"tgt": "de",
"allowhistrev": 0,
"kpis": {
"tus": 100,
"words": 747,
"chars": 3843,
"preparedtus": 100,
"bundledtus": 100,
"assignedtus": 100,
"translatedtus": 55,
"untranslatedtus": 9,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 53,
"QAposTus": 26,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 27,
"reviewedtus": 100,
"reviewedOKtus": 11,
"reviewedKOtus": 1,
"reviewedchangedtus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"QAScore": 0,
"revScore": 1,
"GdAvg": 55,
"progress": "55.0",
"preparationprogress": "100.0",
"translationprogress": "55.0",
"revisionprogress": "100.0",
"evaluationprogress": "0.0"
"id": 2,
"jobid": 4,
"start": 101,
"end": 200,
"bundletype": 0,
"qamode": 0,
"qemode": 0,
"status": 0,
"statusmsg": “Created”,
"autorId": 0,
"evaluatorId": 0,
"startts": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"duets": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"jobtype": 0,
"translationtype": 0,
"src": “en”,
"translationtype": 0,
"kpis": {
"tus": 0,
"words": 0,
"chars": 0,
"preparedtus": 0,
"bundledtus": 0,
"assignedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 0,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"progress": 0
"id": 3,
"jobid": 4,
"start": 201,
"end": 300,
"bundletype": 0,
"qamode": 0,
"qemode": 0,
"status": 0,
"statusmsg": “Created”,
"autorId": 0,
"evaluatorId": 0,
"startts": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"duets": "1970-01-15 00:00:00.0",
"kpis": {
"tus": 3,
"preparedtus": 0,
"bundledtus": 3,
"assignedtus": 0,
"translatedtus": 1,
"untranslatedtus": 0,
"unalttranslatedtus": 0,
"QAedTus": 0,
"QAposTus": 0,
"QAnegTus": 0,
"QAFPTus": 0,
"QEplannedTus": 0,
"QEposTus": 0,
"QEnegTus": 0,
"QEScore": 0,
"progress": 16.66666603088379
Create a new bundle for a job. Note: If parameter tus is specified the bundle will include that number of free tus. Alternatively start and end (inclusive both) can be used.
"type":1, //optional, 0 (translation, by default)
"qamode":1, //optional, (0 default)
"qemode":1, //optional, (0 default)
"startts": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"duets": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"bundleid": 2,
"status": 0,
"reason": "Bundle created successfully",
"TUs": 1000
/addbundles Create a new bundle for a job.
Note: This is the recommended way to define bundles for a project. When less than the required nbundles*tus are available nbundles is internally recalculated to create all bundles with the same number of TUs. In this case the last bundle can contain less bundles.
The response is an array of one-bundle responses.
"type":1, //optional, 0 (translation, by default)
"qamode":1, //optional, (0 default)
"qemode":1, //optional, (0 default)
"startts": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"tuets": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"bundleid": 2,
"status": 0,
"reason": "Bundle created successfully",
"TUs": 1000
"bundleid": 2,
"status": 0,
"reason": "Bundle created successfully",
"TUs": 1000
"bundleid": 3,
"status": 0,
"reason": "Bundle created successfully",
"TUs": 1000
"bundleid": 4,
"status": 0,
"reason": "Bundle created successfully",
"TUs": 1000
Set ACTstatus=1 for the bundle, the bundle is paused and no translator/evaluator
actions are allowed
"id": 4 //the bundle id
"rc": 0
Set ACTstatus=0 for the bundle, the bundle is resumed, in normal state and
translations and evaluations can be processed.
"id": 4 //the bundle id
"rc": 0
Get the log contents for the bundle. An array with the relevant events for the bundle is returned.
"id": 4 //the bundle id
"id": 32,
"ts": 1596898208000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:50:08.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Bundle created"
"id": 47,
"ts": 1596898335000,
"date": "2020-08-08 14:52:15.0",
"actorid": 0,
"actionid": 2,
"objectid": 12,
"rc": 0,
"descr": "Bundle status changed to 6"
Change existing bundle parameters. Status change is pointless as it will be recalculated internally
"id": 4,
"status": 3, //optional, don’t use it
"startts": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"duets": 12334566665, //optional, long int
"bundleid": 4
Deletes bundle (not the TUs!), the bundle data is deleted from the database and TUs are freed for later bundling and assignation.
"id": 4
"rc": 0
Assign the bundle to translator/posteditor, reviewer or evaluator. This action does NOT notify the actor.
"id": 4,
"role": 0 // 0:translator, 1:reviewer, 2: evaluator
"actorid": 3 //set to 0 to unassign
"mode": 0 // Optional, defaults 0 (future use)
"pct": 0 // Optional, defaults 100, to limit revision
"bundleid": 4
Change the flag allowing actors to access TUs history. The flag has either value 0 (no permission) or 1 (permission granted. Calling this API will swap values. Only one parameter is passed: the id of the bundle.
"id": 4 //id of the bundle
"rc": 0 //no error
Change the bookmark flag for a bundle
"id": 4 //id of the bundle
"mode": 0, 1,..., 4 //bookmark mode
"actorid": 4 //the pm id
"rc": 0 //no error
Free the TUs from a bundle for re-bundling. The affected TUs are reset for rework no matter the status they were in
"id": 4,
"mode": 0 //opt, 0 by default: full release. 1 free pending, 2 free some
"tus": 10 //used when mode=2, number of pending tus to release
"bundleid": 4
/addtustobundle Add free TUs to an existing bundle. The new added TUs (always to be reworked) will generate planned evaluations with an even distribution at 0-5-10% rate according to the bundle definition. The number of TUs to add is a maximum, actual added TUs might be less if there are not enough free TUs.
"id": 4, //id of the bundle to add the tus
"tus": 100, //number of tus to add (if enough tus are available!)
"rc": 0,
"addedtus": 100
A tu or alt-tu is translated by a translator, notice the bundleid is mandatory. This request is sent by CAT tools when a translator confirms a translation. This action will trigger immediately QA request on the received translation.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle the tu belongs to
"actorid": 1, // the translatorid
"source": “xxxxxx”,
"translation": “xxxxxx”,
"alttranslation": “xxxxxx”,
"pretranslation": “xxxxxx”,
"gtranslation": “xxxxxx”,
"transcode": 0, // opt, 1: nonsense, 2: encoding
"oltransstatus": 0, // opt, 0 for new (default), 1: was already translated
"transchanged": 0, // 1: translation was changed translated
"alttranschanged": 0, // 1: alt-translation was changed
"rc": 0
"rc": 0,
"qainfo": {
"rc": 0,
"translation_units": [ {
"id": 4000,
“qastatus”: 4,
"qaissues": [
"text": "",
"issue": "Translation is equal to pre-translation, no post-edition was done.",
"type": 0,
"subtype": 0,
"criticity": 5
"text": "",
"issue": "Alternative translation equal pre translation, no post-edition was done.",
"type": 0,
"subtype": 0,
"criticity": 5
"text": "",
"issue": "Translation and Alternative translation are equal.",
"type": 0,
"subtype": 0,
"criticity": 5
/reviewtu A tu or alt-tu is reviewed by a reviewer, notice the bundleid is mandatory. The revstatus indicates which input data is mandatory. For status 0,1,2,4,5, that is when the translation is NOT changed the mandatory fields are id, bundleid, actorid and revstatus. For status 3 (translation changed) the fields translation, alt-translation and transcode have to be sent also.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle the tu belongs to
"actorid": 1, // the translatorid
"revstatus": 3,
"translation": “xxxxxx”,
"alttranslation": “xxxxxx”,
"transcode": 0, // opt, 1: nonsense, 2: encoding
"rc": 0
Used to update review status to 2 (STATUS_OK) for all TUs of a bundle which review is not done (0,1 and 5) and have finished trans (with no QA Pending)
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle to update
"actorid": 1, // the translatorid
"rc": 0,
"message": "Updated successfully 234 TUs"
A tu or alt-tu with required QA confirmation is confirmed by a translator as a
‘false-positive’, notice the bundleid is mandatory. Request sent by the CAT tool to
confirm the translator has payed attention to the potential issue and has marked it
as false positive.
The response includes the TU QAStatus after the action.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4 //the bundle the tu belongs to
"rc": 0,
"qastatus": 4
A tu or alt-tu is evaluated by an evaluator, notice the bundleid is mandatory. The id has to correspond to a TU defined as candidate for QE. This request is sent from a QETool when an evaluator finishes the evaluation of a translation.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle the tu belongs to
"actorid": 1, // the evaluatorid
"altmode": 0, //opt, 1 when it is alternate translation evaluation
"translation": “xxxxxx”, //opt, if evaluator provides a new translation
"qescore": 0,
"qeinfo": [ //array of issues found
"type": 1, //accuracy, fluency,...
"subtype": 1, //spelling, undertranslation...
"sourcetxt": "THE" // the text the issue relates (optional)
"criticity": 2
"rc": 0
A tu or alt-tu is saved by a translator, notice the bundleid is mandatory. The id has to correspond to a TU.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle the tu belongs to
"translation": “xxxxxx”,
"alttranslation": “xxxxxx”,
"transchanged": 0, // 1: translation was changed translated
"alttranschanged": 0, // 1: alt-translation was changed
"rc": 0
A tu is marked by an actor, notice the bundleid is mandatory. The id has to
correspond to a TU.
"id": 4000, //the tuid
"bundleid": 4, //the bundle the tu belongs to
"mark": 1
"rc": 0
Get the log contents for the tu
"id": 4 //the tu id
Used by 3rd-party to fill preTranslation and gTranslation of an array of TUs of a job
"jobid": 1, //the jobId the tus belong to
"tus": [
"id": 1, //the tu id
"pretrans": "This should be the pretranslation1",
"gtrans": "This should be the g-translation1"
"id": 2, //the tu id
"pretrans": "This should be the pretranslation2",
"gtrans": "This should be the g-translation2"
"rc": 0
Retrieve the actual TUs for a bundle or a job. The full TU info is returned
"bundleid":1, //Optional, set if requesting bundle tus
"jobid":1, //Optional, set if requesting job tus
"start":1, //optional in-bundle-id, starts in 1
"end":2 //optional
"id": 100096,
"idinbundle": 56,
"srctext": "Frühkindliche Bildung benötigt gut ausgebildete pädagogische Fachkräfte",
"pretrans": "pre-trans",
"trans": "xxxxxx",
"transcode": 0,
"alttrans": "xxxxxx",
"gTrans": "g-trans",
"status": 1,
"statusmsg": "Translated",
"transstatus": 1,
"transstatusmsg": "translation done",
"qastatus": 2,
"qastatusmsg": "QA to validate",
"qestatus": 3,
"qestatusmsg": "QE failed",
"qainfo": "[{\"text\":\"\",\"issue\":\"Translation is equal to pre-translation, no post-edition wasdone.\"},{\"text\":\"\",\"issue\":\"Alternative translation equal pre
translation, no post-edition was done.\"},{\"text\":\"\",\"issue\":\"Translation and Alternative translation are equal.\"}]",
"actorid": 1,
"evaluatorid": 1,
"jobtype": 0,
"translationtype": 0,
"id": 100097,
"idinbundle": 57,
"srctext": "Das heisst wie bitte.",
"pretrans": "pre-trans",
"transcode": 0,
"gTrans": "g-trans",
"status": 0,
"statusmsg": "Created",
"transstatus": 0,
"transstatusmsg": "translation required",
"qastatus": 0,
"qastatusmsg": "QA cannot be done",
"qestatus": 1,
"qestatusmsg": "QE pending",
"actorid": 0,
"evaluatorid": 0,
"jobtype": 0,
"translationtype": 0,