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  • 11:32, 17 January 2025Users (hist | edit) ‎[573 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Users = This page is used to create and manage PECAT users. It also allows assigning different roles to users. == Features == * Create new users. * Manage existing user profiles. * Assign different roles to users based on their responsibilities. == How to Use == 1. Navigate to the "Users" page. 2. Click on "Add User" to create a new user. 3. Fill in the user details, including their role. 4. To edit or manage an existing user, select their name from the list and mak...")
  • 11:32, 17 January 2025Deliveries (hist | edit) ‎[519 bytes]Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Deliveries = This page lists the outputs exported from all projects of a specific user. == Features == * View all deliveries across various projects associated with a user. * Create a delivery for any project directly from this page without needing to navigate to the specific project. == How to Use == 1. Access the "Deliveries" page. 2. Click on the "Create Delivery" button. 3. Select the project and enter the required details for the delivery. 4. Save the delivery...")